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Is low carbohydrate diet really worth it?

You may have heard about the low carbohydrate diet and would be wondering what all the fuss is about? Is it really all that it is made out to be? Now, here is the long answer.
There are several advantages of a low carbohydrate diet and while the one most commonly publicised is weight loss, there are other benefits also. It is important to remember that each person will have a unique response to such a diet.
In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Deepak Pal, Sports and Functional Nutritionist at SENS Clinic, highlighted the advantages of a low carbohydrate diet –
Deepak Pal added, “While the benefits of a low carb diet are many, it is always advisable to approach any new diet with caution. Individual needs, goals and dispositions should be considered before embarking on a dietary journey. The feasibility of cooking low-carb meals (for working professionals, those living with family who have other preferences etc.) should also be considered. The services of a professional dietician is also indispensable when crafting a new meal plan with specific requirements.”
It is important not to be swayed by second hand information even if you consider the sources authentic. Do get the opinion of a professional before taking the plunge.
